References 參考文獻

本書是基於 TinyML TensorFLow Lite 機器學習中文版 內容的實驗結果, 作者 Pete Warden 及 Daniel Situnayake 均於 Google 工作. 可以參考 Pete 相關論文、影片如下.

關於 Make 及 Makefile
1. 取消 TAGS 程式不受影響
2. STM32F 選用 OPTIMIZED_KERNEL_DIR=cmsis_nn 來做最佳化

英文參考文章 mbed / arm / STM
3. mbed-cli v6.7 installation
4. mbed-cli v5.15 manual installation
5. Build Arm Cortex-M voice assistant with Google TensorFlow Lite
6. CMSIS - Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard
7. STM32F10x Standard Peripherals Library Peripheral’s Drivers Description
8. what means about “-DSTM32F10X_MD -DUSE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER” as the flags of arm-none-eabi-gcc?

Arduino 相關
9. USB 無法偵測到 Arduino Nano BLE 33 : 我一開始從 Mac 下載程式到 Nano 後, Nano 執行結果不如預期, 擔心是 Mac 的 USB 有問題(一直有遇到類似問題), 轉到 PC Windows 下, 發現 USB 偵測不到 Nano, 甚至懷疑到我 PC 的 USB driver 有問題, 結果是, 如果 Nano 下載的程式有問題, 是有可能造成 USB 偵測不到, 需要 reset Nano, 重新刷 firmware, 後 USB 才能正常偵測到 Nano.

10. Neural Network on Mobile (nnom) by Ma Jianjia - github

11. 官網
12. TensorFlow for microcontroller - 官網
13. Tensorflow Lite Micro on ESP32
14. TensorFlow for Micro Github 官網 open source
15. TensorFlow Lite for Microcontroller Hello world examples

TinyML (TensorFlow Lite Micro 一開始使用的名稱)
16. 書 "TinyML Tensor Flow Lite 機器學習“ 英文版 O’Reilly 出版
17. 書 "TinyML Tensor Flow Lite 機器學習“ 中文版 O’Reilly 出版
18. pdf - TinyML_Machine_Learning_with_TensorFlow_Lite_on_Arduino_and_Ultra.pdf
19. ARM - build voice assistant on Cortex-M with TFLM
20. TinyML summit organization
21. TinyML summit 2021
22. Tiny summit 2021 Youtube playback - partial only
23. Meet up - 舊金山灣區
24. Meet up - 德州奧斯汀
25. SIG Micro - TensorFlow Embedded Group
26. SIG Micro mailing list
27. SIG Micro Gitter chat channel
28. SIG Micro monthly meeting notes and agenda

29. uTensor - by ARM Neil Tan
30. Microsoft - Embedded Learning Library (ELL) : 主要針對 Arduino 與 micro:bit 平台

Pete Warden 及相關資料
31. Pete Warden’s blog
32. Paper - TensorFlow Lite Micro
33. Pete youtube TinyML book #1 chap 4 - hello world training model
34. Pete youtube TinyML book #2 chap 5/6 - Deploying the Hello World model on an Arduino
35. Pete youtube TinyML book #3 - Introduction to TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers
36. Pete youtube TinyML book #4 - Quantization
37. Pete youtube What’s TinyML good for @ AIoT Dev Summit keynote
38. Getting Started with TinyML - Pete Warden - - March 31, 2020
39. Getting Started with TinyML - Pete Warden - - March 31, 2020 - youtube
40. Getting Started with TinyML - Pete Warden - - March 31, 2020 - slides
41. Pete Warden, Staff Research Engineer and TensorFlow Lite development lead at Google, presents the “Using TensorFlow Lite to Deploy Deep Learning on Cortex-M Microcontrollers” tutorial at the May 2019 Embedded Vision Summit
42. Introducing the SparkFun Edge - Tiny models on tiny computers!

關於 TinyML 的另一位作者, 已經離開 Google 的 Daniel Situnayake
43. Daniel Situnayake’s blog
44. Edge Impluse

一個厲害德國人的 stupid projects, 在不同的 embedded controller 做 TFLM 的 benchmark
45. Stupid projects - Machine Learning on Embedded (Part 1)
46. Tensorflow 2.1.0 for microcontrollers benchmarks on STM32F746